Monday, February 16, 2009

Bomp de bomp,c'mon gimme that.

I was meant to blog yesterday. Oh well.
This new bebo's a bitch.
Last week was so fucking good.
Friday night being epic as fuck from 10pm-am1. However 2am-4am wasn't as nice.

I really love Nick Drake. Pity he's fucking dead. If you don't know who he is go listen to the song,'River Man'. Its hard to beleive that dong was recorded in 1968(I think),and thee sheer fucking quality of the song is amazing.

2 weeks at work now. Still haven't been paid.

For all of you that don't know my ex girlfriends mum walked in on us once.
I was recieving hand sex at the time.
Oh the sheer joy of it all

This week i've been listening to A LOT of dubstep. Its a very good genre. Oh yes. That and Blink 182. I still have to do my OH MA GOD DEYR SO GOOD blog.

Laura Carson. She's great.
Kattie Marren. Likes red bras it would seem.
Aoife Walsh. You gave me your keys....i....rooted around you house and bags.
Connor Feely. Cheers for everything man ;D

I'm doing a new thng this week. NOT STRAIGHTENING MY HAIR. Thats a pretty huge thing for me. I started getting to the stage where i wouldn't go into a fucking shop in town unless it wasn't straightened. I like it curly. Its pretty fucking hilarious.

So i met this girl. No really. Known her a while. We kissed. It was great. Risked getting shot at for her. By farmers and parents. And like,fucking hell,her family,thats a hard one. But yes. I like her very much. She's pretty pretty. Well done her.

Apparently i have choir tomorrow. LOL.

Midterm this week.
Good days ahead.
Favorite pictures i've come across this week (Y)

Sunday, February 8, 2009


So as i sit here suddenly feeling a tad inspired to write some poetic,and beautiful. Unfortunatly,thats not going to happen.

See whats just happened is,I'm listening to Arcade Fire's 'No Cars Go'. That track is epic.,no matter which way you put it. Its FUCKING. EPIC.

Now. What i spent most of today doing was looking through various colleges and courses and still i end up with no idea of knowing what i want to do. Well to be honest i do know. As 'corny' or whatever as it may sound,my dream would be to spend the rest of my life with a guitar,a pen and notepad,throw in a microphone and make a living. Perfect. But clearly now,i need a back-up plan. So. Course wise,heres whats getting me interested,like NOW/Regardless of whether i have 2 yrs left to decide or not.

1.Music Performance(I have no idea what this will actually involve)
2.Music Technology(Sounds very interesting really)
3.Media Studies(Something i would really be interested in,and future wise opens up a lot of jobs).

Choices,choices,choices. Should i even be fretting over this?I mean,i'm not even 16 yet like.
Anyways,all those courses are about 400+ points in the LC. Thats the main worry cause really,i don't think i could do that. Not meaning to be all like OH I AM SO SHIT AT LIFE SOMEONE TELL MEH OTHERWISE but school in the last two years really hasn't been my strong point. Thats why i'm hoping Transition Year(4th year) will sort've,lets say 'inspire' me to not only actually do work and take it seriously but also to sort've keep my head done and not being such a fuck to teachers and so on so forth. I hope thats what happends anyways.

Maynooth looks nice,as does Goldsmiths. Liverpool School Of Performing Arts sounds amazing. But yes. I have plenty of time to make a decision.

For now i'm going to go eat some toast. Maybe have some tea and day by day hopefully live beyond diabeties. Also shall go dig out the Neon Bible album and go relive some fond memories.

PS. I saw a film last night named 'Taxidermist'(I think). One of thee most disturbing things i've ever seen.

Night all.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Adentures of Gareth, some meat hooks, a freezer, and a lot of dead cows.

So yes. I am currently employed in a lovely Supermarket. Lovely it is.
Its filled with lovely people and lovely things and i'm clearly on my way to becoing a professional shelf stacker.

Today i was given the job of cleaning out the meat freezer. Now imagine my eyes when i was told i was cleaning the coldroom(usually where fruit,veg,milk and various other things that need to be cold are kept),yes they were decent. Anyways imagine my eyes when the door was opened to revel A MASS AMOUNT OF FUCKING DEAD HANGING MEAT. Seriously. I'd really never seen that stuff before. Except for like,gordon ramseey. SO THEN. Piture this. Me. In a white cold. Being the meat in the middle of the sandwhich. Two slices of bread. What were they. Thats right. 2 halfs of a fucking cow. Or COWS. I was even molested by this huge piece of hanging meat(Tbh ,i think at this stage i would really rather an AIDs infected penis). I couldn't even tell what part of the animal it was.

I love meat.

Thanks to work buddy James Clarke for falling right on his arse and probably fracturing his tailbone during me cleaning the floor. You sir are a total legend.

Anywas first week,did quite a lot and didn't get paid. Actually quite bummed about that. I look forward to next friday. So so much. Now. Of to burn my blood soaked skin. Good times.

PS. Laura,stop being such a wank,we're meeting up this weekend.

Have a lovely and clearly safe weekend.