Sunday, February 8, 2009


So as i sit here suddenly feeling a tad inspired to write some poetic,and beautiful. Unfortunatly,thats not going to happen.

See whats just happened is,I'm listening to Arcade Fire's 'No Cars Go'. That track is epic.,no matter which way you put it. Its FUCKING. EPIC.

Now. What i spent most of today doing was looking through various colleges and courses and still i end up with no idea of knowing what i want to do. Well to be honest i do know. As 'corny' or whatever as it may sound,my dream would be to spend the rest of my life with a guitar,a pen and notepad,throw in a microphone and make a living. Perfect. But clearly now,i need a back-up plan. So. Course wise,heres whats getting me interested,like NOW/Regardless of whether i have 2 yrs left to decide or not.

1.Music Performance(I have no idea what this will actually involve)
2.Music Technology(Sounds very interesting really)
3.Media Studies(Something i would really be interested in,and future wise opens up a lot of jobs).

Choices,choices,choices. Should i even be fretting over this?I mean,i'm not even 16 yet like.
Anyways,all those courses are about 400+ points in the LC. Thats the main worry cause really,i don't think i could do that. Not meaning to be all like OH I AM SO SHIT AT LIFE SOMEONE TELL MEH OTHERWISE but school in the last two years really hasn't been my strong point. Thats why i'm hoping Transition Year(4th year) will sort've,lets say 'inspire' me to not only actually do work and take it seriously but also to sort've keep my head done and not being such a fuck to teachers and so on so forth. I hope thats what happends anyways.

Maynooth looks nice,as does Goldsmiths. Liverpool School Of Performing Arts sounds amazing. But yes. I have plenty of time to make a decision.

For now i'm going to go eat some toast. Maybe have some tea and day by day hopefully live beyond diabeties. Also shall go dig out the Neon Bible album and go relive some fond memories.

PS. I saw a film last night named 'Taxidermist'(I think). One of thee most disturbing things i've ever seen.

Night all.

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